Why Choose Bamboo


It's an amazing plant!

Bamboo is a grass with a rapid growth rate.  It can grow as fast as a metre per day.  Some Bamboo can reach maturity within 1-5 years, unlike traditional wood from trees which may take 50 or 60 years to reach maturity before it can be harvested.  Using Bamboo as a substitute for trees can allow the opportunity for re-growth of our rapidly depleting forests.  


Bamboo is versatile.

 It can grow effectively in various conditions.  There is no need to replant because the Bamboo root system stays in tact, which means less erosion to the soil and natural landscape.

Need another reason?

There is also very little waste after harvesting bamboo since almost all of the plant is used, and can be used for many different purposes.  The plant also releases more oxygen than an equal span of trees, cuts carbon dioxide emissions and helps the air we breathe!  


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